What Is Meant by “High-End” Audio?

February 28, 2020 4:07 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The experience people feel when they listen to music will vary widely from person to person based on their own individual preferences as well as what they are most likely to pick up from an auditory perspective. Some people might be particularly adept at picking up specific tones, while others might focus on other aspects of the sound. People will hear and experience sound in different ways, but no matter how you experience sound, you’re likely going to be able to tell the difference between a high-end and a low-end system when you listen to music with each of them.

So, how exactly do you define high-end audio systems in Chicago? “High-end” doesn’t just mean “more expensive”—it also means better sound quality and a better listening experience. But how does one describe that experience?

What makes for a high-end experience?

One of the best ways to determine the quality of an audio system is to start playing a piece of classical music that features a wide variety of instruments, and one that has a broad range of volumes and tempos. For the purposes of testing your equipment, the more complex the music, the better. As you listen, you should try to pick out as many details as you can.

If you have a true high-end system, you’ll find it much easier to pick out individual sounds, such as strings being plucked in the violin section, or a lone trumpet with a harmony in a specific section of the piece. The swells and the falls will seem much more dramatic, because you’re able to hear the piece not just as a sum of its parts, but also each individual part that makes up that sum.

This is the entire point of having a high-end audio system. Instead of getting garbled, inarticulate sound, you get to experience certain elements of the music or sound being brought out or enhanced as they were intended to be, rather than being left behind like they might be in inferior systems.

With lower-quality audio systems, you might have a harder time picking out individual instruments or parts in a piece of music. Or, if you’re watching live television, it might be hard to separate background noise from what you should actually be paying attention to. A good sound system will be a big help to the brain as it registers some of the minor details that can truly enhance a listening experience.

Ultimately, there’s a lot of subjectivity when it comes to what makes for “high-quality” and “high-end” sound and what types of equipment will truly give you the best listening experience. But one thing is not subjective: greater accuracy in sound makes for a better listening experience, and if you care about getting the best sound quality, you should look for sound systems that will help you to key in on individual components of the sound.

For more information about high-end audio systems in Chicago, contact the team at Quintessence Audio LTD or visit our store today.

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